This article is about Technology
In an increasingly dynamic world, we hear a lot about "agile mindset" and a series of other terms related to digital/organizational evolution.
But how can we balance all of this in current times?
How to transform processes in times of agility? The dispute between the responsibility for the digital transformation and the structuring of concise, lean and adherent processes constantly come into conflict, as it is complex to prioritize and structure processes according in the timing that organizations expect to use.
But, after all we ask ourselves:
"Have we actually delivered value?"
This question becomes broad when we think about our end customer, adjacent areas involved in processes, financial results, but also, how to balance strategic efficiency with operational and procedural effectiveness? When we talk about strategic efficiency we are talking specifically about reducing/eliminating waste, which brings us a direct impact on cost. When we talk about operational effectiveness, we are talking about the ability to achieve the proposed objectives, that is, it is directly linked to the outcomes of the operation. Finally, when we talk about procedural effectiveness, we are talking about transforming the existing situation, about the impact of the change that has been made. With all these evaluation pillars, one thing is true: implementation, analysis and improvement of processes are not trivial, it all must be structured, thought out, with clear objectives, capturing indicators that will bring us clarity about where we are and where we want to go to.
“But is there any recipe to follow to plan and structure processes correctly?”
There is no recipe, but there are some ways to structure a plan so that we can reach our goals more precisely. It all starts with identifying the problem: begin by listing the main inefficiencies of the process and if there is no defined process, list what you would like to solve.
Then, design your process, represent activity flow, identify areas and roles involved, documents, alternative routes. The ideal in this scenario is to use a platform where you can model your process, automate flows, connect areas and extract indicators that will measure the evolution and adaptability of your process and will also facilitate the consultation and future maintenance of the leveraged processes. Base your procedural surveys on techniques that will facilitate the understanding of the problem.
Once that's done, create a diagnosis that will serve as a structured guide with a photo of the current scenario and the critical points that should be addressed in the new drawing, called 'Flow To Be ', that is, the sketch of what we want to achieve. An important point at this stage is that a series of listed problems may arise and, in this case, it is necessary to prioritize them and think about waves of evolution, because, as much as we have an ideal “To Be” model, perhaps with the quantity of diagnosed problems, we can't attack everything at once. But do not worry. Prioritize, put to work, scale, capture indicators and jump to the next wave.
The most important of all these steps is always to align expectations with everyone involved. Make working groups to think together of ways to improve processes. It needs to be a creative and very collaborative work. Do market research, see what worked for other companies. Analyze adaptations and think about how to scale the processes, because there is no point in designing a beautiful process, but not having people performing the steps correctly. Analyze the flow steps and see which manual repetitive activities can be automated. This will make a more robust and efficient process.
If you need help to structure processes, integrate with other platforms and automate repetitive tasks in a simple way, without needing to reach out to the IT department, you must get to know Yuwork. Discover all the benefits that an agnostic process platform can do for you and your business!
This article is about Technology
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